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Amazon restricted keyword list 2024

Amazon restricted keyword list 2024

Amazon restricted keyword list 2024

  • Avoid health claims like "100% natural," "cures," and any mention of specific diseases such as diabetes, cancer, or mental health conditions.

  • Do not use terms like "antibacterial," "antifungal," or "non-toxic" in any part of your listing, including A+ Content, images, and brand story.

  • Stay away from boastful claims like "top-rated" or "best-selling." Amazon does not allow these in any content, including A+ and Brand Store.

  • No direct competitor comparisons are allowed! Use “compatible with” when mentioning another brand, and never claim superiority over others.

  • Avoid mentioning environmental claims like "eco-friendly" or "biodegradable." Instead, use softer phrases like "thoughtfully sourced."

  • Be cautious with performance claims like "reduces 99% of wrinkles." Only use quantified results if backed by independent sources and evidence.

If Amazon created suspense and thriller films, they'd be a hit. Why? Because they know how to keep things under wraps. 

Amazon wants your listings to be compliant, but they’re not always clear about how to do it. Sure, they’ll give you some guidance, but most of the time, it feels like they’re dancing around the details. That’s Amazon for you!

Working on Amazon listings for 10 years comes with its perks. Over the years, we’ve gathered a solid collection of keywords, phrases, and everything else that Amazon usually frowns upon.

This blog is your one-stop guide—a solid blueprint covering ALL the dos and don’ts, not just for bullets and descriptions, but everywhere.

Why are we making this post? Because Amazon sellers often run around in circles, trying to figure out what to write and what not to write. And here’s the kicker: there are different rules for A+ Content, different for your brand story, different for Posts, and even more for detailed page copy and images.

Did you know that you can say “satisfaction guaranteed” in your bullets and description, but not in your A+ Content or brand story? Bet you didn’t.

But by the end of this blog, you’ll know exactly what to write, what to avoid, and how to keep your listing safe from suspension. So, keep reading!

Quick guide
  • What happens if you add any restricted keyword/phrase?

  • Words/phrases/keywords you cannot write anywhere

  • Words/phrases/keywords you cannot write in A+ Content, Premium A+ Content & Brand Story

  • Words/phrases/keywords you cannot write in Brand Store

  • How do so many sellers get away with it?

What happens if you add any restricted keyword/phrase?
What happens if you add any restricted keyword/phrase?

I’m sure it’s happened to the best of us. You add a tiny, seemingly harmless keyword—one that feels innocent enough—but Amazon decides it’s against their policy. And instead of just asking you to remove that one word, they go ahead and suspend the entire listing.

The worst part? After suspending the listing, they leave us to figure it out! Out of all the copy, A+ Content, images—we have to guess which word triggered the suspension. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if Seller Support just told us the restricted word? We’d remove it, problem solved, and all would be right with the world.

But no, once your listing is suspended, Amazon demands all sorts of documents, and there’s still no guarantee that the listing will come back. What stings are your daily sales, ranking, and reviews? Gone.

That’s why it’s so important to avoid these restricted words in the first place. Learn the rules, educate yourself, get help from Amazon business experts, and make sure this kind of mistake doesn’t happen. Amazon won’t help, but we can learn and stay ahead!

Words/phrases/keywords you cannot write anywhere

Here’s a list of words and phrases you CANNOT use anywhere—whether it's in your detail page copy, Amazon product infographic images, A+ Content, or premium A+ Content. These are high-risk words. Let me list them for you:

  • No serious health claims: Supplements, skincare, and wellness products support your body, but they are not treatments or cures. Avoid making health claims.

  • Restricted health conditions: Avoid mentioning specific diseases like diabetes, stress, anxiety, cancer, COVID-19, inflammation, HIV, AIDS, hepatitis, herpes, mental health, and related conditions anywhere in the content.

  • Brand name usage: When mentioning other brands (like iPhone), always use "for" or "compatible with" to avoid implying that your product is from the brand you're referencing (e.g., "compatible with iPhone" instead of "iPhone case").

  • Material claims: If your product is made from bamboo, you must describe it as “Rayon derived from Bamboo” instead of simply “bamboo.”

  • Personal Information: Do not include personal information like phone numbers, addresses, or emails anywhere. Amazon does not want its customers to contact the sellers and brands directly. 

  • Prohibited terms: Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antimicrobial, infection, virus, germs, pesticides, CBD, bacteria, contaminants, FDA-approved, COVID, coronavirus, kill, detoxify, treatment, cure, sex, obesity, brightening, whitening, non-toxic, repellent, germ-free, sanitizes, kills and other related words.

Here’s a more comprehensive list

General health & disease claims:

  • 100% Natural

  • Cancer

  • COVID / COVID-19 / Coronavirus

  • Cured / Cures / Cure

  • Disease / Diseases

  • FDA-approved / FDA

  • Heal / Heals

  • Inflammation / Anti-inflammatory

  • Non-toxic / Noncorrosive

  • Treatment / Treats

  • Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

  • Alzheimer’s / Dementia

  • Anxiety / Stress

  • Arthritis

  • Diabetes / Diabetic

  • Epilepsy / Seizure / Seizures

  • Herpes (Simplex Virus 1 & 2)

  • HIV

  • Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)

  • Influenza / Flu

  • Kidney disease / Liver disease

  • Lupus

  • Mental health-related terms (e.g., anxiety, depression, ADHD)

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Obesity

  • Parkinson’s

  • Stroke

Skincare-specific terms:

  • Anti-inflammatory / Inflammation

  • Brightening / Whitening / Lightening

  • Renewal / Renewing

Bacteria, fungus, and virus-related terms:

  • Antibacterial / Anti-bacterial

  • Antifungal / Anti-fungal

  • Anti-microbial / Antimicrobial

  • Bacteria / Germ / Germs

  • Bacteria / Bacterial

  • Fungus / Fungal

  • Mold / Mould / Mold spores

  • Virus / Viruses

  • Pesticide / Pesticides

Words/phrases/keywords you cannot write in A+ Content, Premium A+ Content & Brand Story

A+ Content, Amazon Premium A+ Content, and Brand Story all follow the same rules regarding what you can and cannot write.

  • Awards and endorsements: Must include a note in the text with the date when the award/endorsement was achieved and the granting organization. Do not mention awards received more than 2 years ago.

  • Certification claims: Terms like "recommended by," "certified," "tested," "approved," "proven," and "validated" must be substantiated by a note in the text citing the certifying body, study, publication, or other evidence, along with the year. Do not use synonyms like "endorsed by," "approved," or "validated."

  • Environmental claims: Words like "eco-friendly," "biodegradable," and "compostable," including their symbols are not allowed. Do not use synonyms like "Earth-friendly," "sustainable," or "environmentally responsible." Instead, use softer language like "Go green," "responsibly made," or "thoughtfully sourced."

  • Satisfaction claims: Phrases like "100% satisfaction guaranteed," "top-rated," "#1 rated," "best-selling," or similar boastful claims are not allowed.

  • Warranty & guarantee information: Warranty or guarantee details, including references to off-Amazon return/refund policies, are not allowed in A+ content (except when the product is a warranty card itself).

  • Seller/distributor mentions: Do not reference your company as a seller or distributor (e.g., "buy from us for authentic products"). Do not mention seller authorization (e.g., "product only sold by authorized resellers").

  • Shipping details: Do not include any shipping details such as "free shipping."

  • Quotes/endorsements: No quotes or attributions to individuals, customers, or private figures. A maximum of four quotes are allowed, and they must be from well-known publications or public figures, with the author, date, and publication title mentioned.

  • Competitor mentions: Do not reference or compare your product to competitors, whether by name or using phrases like "other(s)." Comparison charts can only compare products from the same brand or product categories (e.g., LED bulbs vs. halogen bulbs).

  • Pricing & promotions: Do not mention pricing, promotional details, or discounts. Avoid promotion references like "affordable," "cheap," "bonus," or "free," or directive language like "buy now," "add to cart," or "get yours now."

  • Time-sensitive information: Do not reference time-sensitive phrases like "now," "new," "latest," "on sale now," "best yet," or reference holidays.

Words/phrases/keywords you cannot write in Brand Store
  • Customer-focused language: Do not speak directly to the customer using "you/your" (e.g., “Are you looking for...?” or “Not getting the weight loss results you want?”).

  • References to other companies or products: Avoid mentioning or comparing competitor brands/products to promote your product (e.g., "better made than [other product]"). If referencing compatibility, use terms like "compatible with [brand]" and ensure the other brand is mentioned later with a qualifier.

  • Pressuring language: Do not use language that pressures customers to take action (e.g., “Last chance,” “Don’t miss out”). Avoid emotionally charged phrases.

  • Improper capitalization: Do not combine randomly capitalized words with lowercase text (e.g., “THIS headline is INCORRECT” or “CaMeL CaSe”).

  • Accolades and awards: Any mention of accolades or awards must include the awarding body and the date (awards must be less than 18 months old).

  • Quantified performance: Avoid making quantified claims implying objective measurement (e.g., "Reduces 99% of wrinkles" or "Teeth appear three shades whiter").

  • Survey results: Any claims based on survey results must be substantiated with a source and date (e.g., "*US Surveys Ltd, January 2021").

How do so many sellers get away with it?

“Jimi, look at this seller! They’re using terms like ‘anti-bacteria’ and making all kinds of risky claims. How are they getting away with it, but not me?!”

Well, if I had a nickel for every time someone asked me that…

How do so many sellers get away with it?

Trust me, I get it! It can be frustrating to see others seemingly getting away with risky claims. But here’s the thing—just because they haven’t been flagged yet doesn’t mean they’re in the clear. Amazon’s algorithm and moderation teams might not catch everything right away, but when they do, those listings will likely face the same consequences.

The best approach is to stay compliant with Amazon’s guidelines. It might feel unfair at times, but playing by the rules is the only way to keep your account and listings safe in the long run. In the end, it's about sustainability, not shortcuts!

See you next week!

We hope you’ve got a better idea now of what to write and what to avoid. But hey, if you’re still feeling unsure, no worries! You can always reach out to the Amazon experts at eStore Factory. With 10 years of experience, we know exactly how to craft listings that stay compliant.

Did you get a product wrongly suspended by Amazon? We’ve got your back there too! We’ll help create appeals and do everything we can to get your product live again. Feel free to reach out—we're here to help!