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New Rules for Listing Products with Compliance Needs

New Rules for Listing Products with Compliance Needs

New Rules for Listing Products with Compliance Needs

Starting September 30, 2024, Amazon is tightening the reins on product listings. If your product needs compliance documents, you’ll have to get these approved before your listing goes live. Why? Amazon wants to ensure all products are safe and meet strict regulatory standards.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Pre-approval is a must: Before you list a new product, Amazon now requires that you submit and get approval for any necessary compliance documents.

  • Where to submit: You can upload all the docs through the Manage All Inventory dashboard.

  • No impact on existing listings: If your products are already up and selling, you’re in the clear. This change only affects new listings.

  • Be ready for spot checks: Amazon might ask for more info to verify your product's safety and compliance, even after approval.

Why does this matter? It’s all about customer safety—a top priority for Amazon. Compliance upfront helps avoid hitches later, ensuring your products keep selling without a hitch.

Ready to ensure your listings meet the mark? Connect with our Amazon consultants today and sail through Amazon's new compliance checks!