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Amazon introduces cart abandoners and declining audiences - July 01, 2024

Amazon introduces cart abandoners and declining audiences - July 01, 2024

Amazon introduces cart abandoners and declining audiences - July 01, 2024

Recently, Amazon launched the Cart Abandoners and Declining Audiences feature, now available through Brand Tailored Audiences.

With this latest update, brands can now target two critical audience segments:

  • Cart abandoners: Customers who have added products to their cart within the last 90 days but haven't completed the purchase.

  • Declining audiences: This includes two sub-categories:

  1. i.

Declining top tier:

  1. Your most loyal customers are predicted to spend less in the coming year.

  1. ii.

Declining promising:

  1. Customers show promising potential but are predicted to spend less without becoming loyal.

Why is this important?

Previously, while brands could engage with New Potential and other loyalty segments, addressing declining audiences effectively was challenging. Now, with predictive Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) insights and the ability to create tailored promotions directly from the Customer Loyalty Dashboard, brands can strategically engage with Cart Abandoners and declining segments to maximize retention and sales.

When accessing the Brand View of the Customer Loyalty Dashboard, you'll now find Cart Abandoners seamlessly integrated alongside new and potential customers. This integration allows you to not only understand but also target and engage with these critical segments efficiently.

Take action today!

Explore the new capabilities within your Customer Loyalty Dashboard and consider creating tailored promotions for your Cart Abandoners. This proactive approach will help you reconnect with potential customers and optimize your marketing efforts effectively.

If you need assistance understanding or implementing this update, don't hesitate to contact our Amazon consultants.